DROPS festival aims to deliver freaky vibes to freaky people with emphasis on high quality music
Plech is a psychedelic trance DJ and party promoter from Prague, Czech Republic. He started DJing in 2007, having learned from some great old school Czech DJs, some of whom have left the psytrance scene altogether by now, which is a shame.
His first notable appearance was in 2009 at the wonderful Bio Nebio festival. Later, he performed at numerous indoor and outdoor parties in and around the Czech Republic, including several night time appearances at Ufo Bufo, currently the largest local open air festival. The biggest gig yet was at the Drops Festival in Slovenia in 2023.
Plech started with party promotion in 2009, when first he teamed up with DJ MiM to bring the multiinstrumentalist Xenomorph to the Cross Club in Prague, and later that year, with DJs Darjeel, Ejczka, MiM and others, he created the open air festival Maeström, hosting the renowned artists AES Dana, Orestis and Cujorius One. Since 2011, with DJ Ejczka (a tandem known as Polyhedra), they have put together (among other parties) eight repetitions of the acclaimed Der Klang in the Cross Club with peformances by Olien, Darkshire, LAB and many many others. In 2022, Plech joined the Ufo Bufo Festival crew, helping with organization, transporation, accomodation, etc.
Since 2023, Plech is a label DJ for one of his favorite underground labels, Urban Antidote Records.
Plech has also performed in several live music bands, plays the guitar, bass guitar and piano, exploring genres like progressive rock or jazz.
Plech recorded this mix mostly because he desperately wanted to make Atriohm's track Lost known to the world. And all the others. This is a showcase of tracks that he considers to be among the most brilliant ever made within an area he calls Twilight Psychedelic. This, as the name suggests, is something in between the light and dark. If you're at a private party and everyone is too tired to play, put this mix on. It's fairly calm, but it holds a great deal of energy, and will get people dancing while waiting for the sunrise, or better, while watching it. Ideally in the mountains somewhere. Or just turn the damn thing off and let nature rest a bit from all the noise.
This recording moves out of Twilight Reel's twilight zone towards deep nighttime. Not to worry, it doesn't cause panic attacks, not usually, but it can get a little scary. It's disturbing to find that at the time of writing this text, most of the tracks are actually very old. Time flies. But they are jewels of the dark psychedelic era. Some of them shine so bright they have yet to be surpassed. So pull up a chair and give it a go. The chair may prove unnecessary.
Drazí přátelé, řekne-li se v této době léčebna, nejeden člověk zpozorní. Prostým faktem však zůstává, že se tam nakonec sejdeme všichni! Protože dříve nebo později tlak civilizace zdeptá každou dobrou duši a člověku stiženému moderní společností nezbývá, než vyhledat odbornou pomoc. Abychom společně předešli psycho-spirituální krizi, srdečně vás znovu zveme na léčebný víkendový pobyt v krásné přírodě okolí Máchova jezera. Náš víkendový léčebný program bude sestávat z široké nabídky terapeutických služeb, kde hlavním tématem bude PSYTRANCEOLOGIE, s níž dosahujeme jedinečných výsledků! Na pomoc si proto pozveme celou řadu odborníků ve svém oboru. V místě konání na vás čeká písečná pláž, kompletní stravovací servis, hygienické zázemí, půjčovna šlapadel a lodí a další kempové vychytávky. A připraven je i léčebný program pro vaše nejmenší.